Welcome to my website. I invite you to explore my writings on auditing, institutional governance, and related topics. My writings on these themes (books, articles, papers, even poetry) have been published over the last quarter-century.
All views expressed in this web site are my personal views, and do not necessarily represent the views of any of the organizations (or individuals) I have been associated with.
January 2025: The journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has published my article "Kautilya’s Arthaśāstra and modern accounting and auditing." The Chartered Accountant. Vol. 73, No. 7: 893-896.
Available here.
January 2025: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis) has published my latest book, "The Closing of the Auditor’s Mind?”.
More details from the publisher.
In October 2024 Internal Audit Today (Vol. 24) published my article, "Internal auditing in India".
The article can be accessed here.
In October 2024 my paper "India's unique internal audit culture: History, philosophy, and innovation" was published in the International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies (IJAAS). Vol. 6, No. 3.
Available here.
October 2024: Ms. Adrienne Bellehumeur of Risk Oversight has interviewed me in relation to my forthcoming book:
Details here.
June 2024: My book "The Auditor's Companion" published by Georgetown University Press.
See Amazon.com.
March 2024: I co-authored with Dr. Rainer Lenz a paper titled "The Global Internal Audit Standards: Old Wine in New Bottles?" (Taylor and Francis, The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter, EDPACS, Vol. 69, Issue 3, 1-28). It has open access - no subscription necessary.
Please follow this link.